When Should Your Child See An Orthodontist?

As a parent, we understand that your hands are full! There are practices to get to, permission slips to sign, and playdates to schedule…and that’s on top of making sure your child is meeting all their milestones! It can be tough to keep up with everything on your to-do list, but it’s important to make dental hygiene a priority for your family. Most moms and dads understand how important dental care is for kids and ensure everyone is brushing twice a day and seeing their dentist regularly. But did you know that orthodontic care also plays a big role in a child’s oral health? 

This is one reason the American Association of Orthodontists recommends all children have an orthodontic evaluation by about the age of seven. Some parents are surprised to hear this since kids that age still have a developing mouth with a good number of baby teeth remaining. However, that makes childhood the perfect time to introduce orthodontic care! 

Here at Sandifer Orthodontics, we see many patients from childhood through adolescence. We’ve seen firsthand how diagnosing and treating issues early on can positively affect their smile as they grow. 

There are many benefits to taking a preventative approach to dental care. It allows us to catch potential problems before they become more serious, which helps prevent them from harming the child’s emerging permanent teeth and developing jaws. 

If you have a young child ready for their first orthodontic visit, we’d love to meet you both and see how their mouth is developing. When you schedule a free consultation with our Brandon or Jackson office, there are several things Dr. Sandifer  will look for as she  performs a comprehensive exam. Let’s explore these common issues below! 

Tooth loss and eruption

Many people underestimate the importance of baby teeth. They all come out anyway, right? But transitioning from primary to adult teeth matters more than you might think! Baby teeth are placeholders for the permanent ones and tend to fall out in a fairly regular pattern. Any significant deviation from this pattern can signal a developmental issue that may need further attention.  

By seven years old, most children will have at least four permanent molars and up to four permanent incisors. If your child has more or less than this, it may indicate a problem with missing, crowding, or extra teeth as they grow. Dr. Sandifer can sometimes help prevent bigger issues from developing in the future by removing a primary tooth early on or maintaining the space where a tooth has been lost prematurely.

When Should Your Child See An Orthodontist?

Crowding and spacing

An experienced orthodontist can tell reasonably early in a child’s life if they have (or are likely to have) problems with excessive spacing or crowding their teeth. Spacing issues may appear when a tooth is lost prematurely, where one has never developed, or even with teeth that are too small or too far apart. If crowded teeth are a concern, we can often expand the arches or remove teeth to create more room as needed.


Crooked teeth tend to be more susceptible to excess damage and wear. If left untreated over time, this can affect the shape and position of the surrounding gum tissue. Correcting crooked teeth in early childhood can reduce some of that wear and tear and keep the gums from being compromised. This often has the added benefit of improving the appearance of your child’s smile and boosting their self-confidence!


While front teeth that protrude are generally seen as a cosmetic issue, they can also cause pain in the jaw and affect speech. If your child is dealing with an overbite, we may need to wait until their mouth is finished growing before attempting to permanently correct it. However, there are some things that Dr. Sandifer can do in the meantime to help reduce the severity of any present symptoms. They’ll discuss these options with you during your child’s consultation. 


Most underbites are due to problems with the teeth or jaw. In more severe cases, the lower jaw may grow too far forward. As with overbites, we sometimes need to wait until your child has finished growing to complete treatment for an underbite. This phase of growth will usually occur by around the age of sixteen. Even when a waiting period is involved, early treatment is beneficial! Attempts to normalize the bite as much as possible, as early as possible, will help avoid bite-shifting and damage to the front teeth.

If we notice an underbite in your young child, we have a treatment option available: “jumping the bite.” This involves using braces or headgear to get a headstart on treatment before completing it in their teenage years. Children who are treated for an underbite between 7 and 10 are much less likely to need jaw surgery when they are older.

Posterior crossbites

Posterior crossbites can cause crowding in the mouth and may result in the jaw shifting from one side to the other. When Dr. Sandifer catches this early, we can sometimes expand the upper jaw around 7 to 10 years of age. This can reduce crowding, creating space for the front teeth to erupt. The expansion also helps eliminate shifting due to a constricted upper jaw.

Anterior open bites and deep bites

These are vertical problems with the bite Dr. Sandifer can normally spot when a child is ready for their first orthodontic visit. In bites that are too deep, the top teeth can completely cover the bottom ones when biting and may indicate a small lower jaw. 

In contrast, open bites often don’t overlap enough. This may signify that a finger, thumb, or tongue habit is causing dental problems. Whatever the root cause, we’ll work with you and your child to eliminate any destructive habits early on, allowing normal development to continue.

Help your child find their best smile at Sandifer Orthodontics

Early orthodontic evaluations are one of the easiest ways to set your child up for a lifetime of healthy smiles! Identifying and correcting problems in younger children will save you time, money, and effort in the long run. 

Preventative treatment can also help your child avoid more invasive treatment later in life. After your child’s jaw bones harden and stop growing, procedures can sometimes involve more serious treatment, like tooth extraction or oral surgery. If you have a child ready for an orthodontic evaluation, contact our Brandon or Jackson office today to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Sandifer.